Nate's Top 10 Blambot Fonts
One of the most common questions I'm asked is, "Of all the typefaces you've made, what's your favorite?" It's hard to pick, so I usually base my answer on the fonts that I end up using most. These are the designs that I'm most happy with, and I find to be most useful in a lot of design situations. They're my "go to" typefaces, and included below is a little insight as to why that is. I'll update this list as I create more fonts, and my preferences change!
10. Fight to the Finish BB
There's no sound effects family in the Blambot collection that is more useful than this set. It's got lots of weights, and has that "classic" comic look. There's an option for almost any kind of noise. Most importantly, it fits all those less defined sounds, and comes in handy for big fight scenes.

9. Susurrus BB
You're thinking, "why is there a body copy font in this list?" Well, it's darn handy. I love condensed sans fonts, and I use this one for credits pages all the time. In fact if you look at my entire 32-issue run on Green Arrow, this font was used for almost every credits page.

8. Mech Effects One BB
You're going to need something for mechanical noises, and this is what I find myself using all the time. Whether it's gunfire, or a huge airlock slamming shut, Mech Effects One BB is my go-to. I liked this one so much, I also included a lowercase set a few months after the caps version. I would have included the sequel set, Mech Effects Two BB, but I didn't want to crowd the list. Check that one out as well!

7. Blambastic BB
When the bold italic version of a dialogue font isn't enough, and someone is really screaming their head off, look no further. Comes with an alternate set of characters, too, so you can vary those crazy letters.

6. Out of Line BB
I struggled with this design more than any other dialogue font that I can remember. I must have made a half dozen versions of it before I settled on this one. And at the time I thought I was settling; I wasn't thrilled with the outcome...but I grew to love this font the more I used it. In fact it was the main font on Green Arrow for my entire run. It has support for Cyrillic and Greek as well!

5. Beelzebrush BB
I love painterly sound effects, and this one is great for giant explosions and wet, gory stuff. Comes with a more condensed and a more square-ish version, both with alternates!

4. Brushzerker BB
I consider this the companion piece, and more universal match to Beelzebrush BB. They always pair nicely. This one is less grungy, and has a little more weight to it. It's my all-purpose painterly sound effects font. Comes with all the same options as Beelzebrush BB, too.

3. Collect Em All BB
This was the first font I ever created to feature multi-alphabet contextual alternates; that's six versions of every letter. Not only that, but multiple numbers, punctuation, letters with a bouncy baseline, and it even fixes errant serif-I. Truly a workhorse. I'm really proud of it.

2. Might Makes Right Pro BB
Nothing in my collection is more universal or classic. It was created with a Hunt 107 Crowquill pen tip, with a slightly sanded edge. I always say that the fonts should complement the artwork, and this one looks great on top of almost any artwork.
1. Ready For Anything BB
It took years and a lot of work to top Might Makes Right BB in its function and ability to look good on almost any art, but Ready for Anything BB has achieved that coveted first spot. And the fact that it's chock-full of opentype features and contains six alternating alphabets, is sure to keep it at number one for years to come.